
James Brewer is a former professional basketball player. Since his time on the court, Brewer has emerged as one of the most sought after personal trainers in NYC. After several years of focusing on personal training clients, Brewer developed his signature group fitness class, BREWERBODY, which has been called the toughest workout in the city. The class incorporates both mental and physical challenges Brewer faced while training as an athlete.

When not working, Brewer spends time with his family, including the "Brewtwins," Isabella and Alessandro.

National Strength and Conditioning Association
National Association of Sports Management
American College of Sports Medicine
Spin Instruction 


Bridgette is a trainer and actress based in New York City. She grew up competing in Soccer, Ice Hockey, and Track + Field. She went on to compete in Division II Track + Field at Minnesota State University, Mankato while simultaneously receiving her BFA in Musical Theatre. She is a big fan of singing, acting, a positive attitude + helping you reach your fitness goals. She may look like a ray of sunshine but don't get it twisted.

Certs: Division II Track + Field (High Jump, Triple Jump + long Jump) NASM-Certified Personal

Trainer IG: @bridgettekarl_

Workout Philosophy: “It hurts so good.”

Fave Workout Tunes: Power - Kayne West / WAP - Cardi B feat. Meagan Thee Stallion / Good as Hell - Lizzo

Fun Fact: “I love pizza & I'm always singing.”


Marianna is a 14 time marathoner and run coach with a pr of 3:25 in the full and a 1:30 in the half. She is most proud of the fact that the 3:25 occurred shortly before turning 40 - proving a few of her training beliefs....1. Age is just a number 2. Older doesn't necessarily equal slower 3.Your greatest limitation is found between your ears. Having started her personal training career at the David Barton Gym (where she and Brewer became fast friends over their love of Café) she fuses her strength training background with her endurance athlete energy and passion in all of her classes. For over the past decade, Marianna has been a sought after personal trainer and coach in NYC, but is currently residing in Florida to be closer to her mom and one of her other great loves - Disney World. Yes, growing up as a Disney child (Disnerd) has helped to cultivate Marianna's optimism, strong beliefs, and cheerful disposition, but don't be fooled by her smile - her brand of pixie dust is sweat and the Magic comes from hard work.

Workout Philosophy: “Remember your Why — I am always focused on the reason behind an exercise or program and carefully plan for a desired result.”

Fave Workout Tunes: Let's Get Loud - JLO

Fun Fact: In her spare time, Marianna has taken up ballroom dancing and hopes to one day dance at Blackpool.